How to make decorative peacock bottle: Today I come to you with a new idea: this time the bottle decor hot glue. For some reason it came up with the idea to draw a peacock. And as always, the photo on the fly! Let’s start !!!
We need: a bottle. Soak 4 hours in cold water and remove labels
Glue gun
I found on the internet appropriate picture and print the pattern on the size of the future picture and attach to the bottle – like this
Now cut the tail and draw on the bottle of the future size of the tail
Now we start to paint glue gun, glue droplets – the new tail feathers
That’s what we get
On the reverse side will have three pen base too impressive
After the glue froze, I removed all the strings on the fly, and covered the surface of the bottle of white acrylic primer
on the back side
Now we start painting our bird: pencil drawing
Now we start to paint with acrylic paints: start with light colors
Then we go to the darker
Last – Green. It is seen that the plot begins to be drawn
When the draw paints finished, move on to the decoration 3-D-contours
These I drew on the face and beak wing. And also gave the texture of the feathers on the back side and on the tail
Then decorate the white background also painted contours: for this I used gold, bronze and gold-glitter. Now photos from all sides – feathers
So goes the tail feathers in
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