Ladybug poem:
“Ladybug, fly to the sky
Bring us bread,
black, white,
only not burnt.”
She listened attentively, and we threw it to the sky.
A continuation of the poem is:
Fly to the sky –
I’ll give you bread!
Fly to the sky,
They are your kids
Kushan candy –
All for one,
And you no!”
In this article, we gathered the spring crafts on “Ladybirds with their own hands.” We invite you to make these cute insects from paper to sculpt out of clay or salt dough and even mini sandwiches prepared in the form of ladybirds. We hope that our crafts will give you the spring, sunny mood!
1. Spring crafts out of paper
We offer you a spring crafts origami – ladybird paper. You will need a square sheet of red paper. Fold it as shown in the picture below, cut with scissors sharp corners black pencil or marker Doris ladybug missing parts. Articles made of paper ladybug ladybug is ready!

You can make three-dimensional applique with ladybirds in the photo below from the paper circles.

For the manufacture of a ladybug, you will need three circles. Each circle should be folded in half, and then glue them together flanks.

2. Crafts on spring – Kids crafts spring

See what kind of an interesting application on the topic spring can be made with the children of colored paper. It is very simple to manufacture spring hack for children.

3. Crafts spring has come. How to make a ladybug:
Another spring crafts out of paper-

Download and print the scheme crafts out of paper on the link >>>> Cut and glue according to the instructions. This spring crafts out of paper just seems complicated. In fact, it makes it easy and fast.
4. Spring crafts from clay – Spring crafts from salted dough
Moving from spring craft paper for the spring Crafts from clay and salt dough. Even a very small child under the supervision of an adult mentor can dazzle ladybird from plasticine or salt dough. The link you will find detailed instructions on making this spring crafts with their hands >>>>

5. Spring crafts kindergarten – Spring crafts for kindergarten
If you have a home remained flat stones since last summer, it is possible to paint them with paint, and you will turn out cute crafts ladybugs.

On the other interesting artefacts from the stones can be found in the article “Living Stones” >>>>
6. Crafts Spring. How to make a ladybug
spring hack – the ladybug imprint of children’s feet.

7. Spring crafts for kids. How to make a ladybug from tomatoes
Cook with your child edible crafts – mini sandwiches “Ladybugs”. To do this, first spread a soft cheese on crackers.Now take the cherry tomatoes, cut them in half and pomidorinku of these halves make wings ladybirds. Olives (pitted) make insect head and dots on the back. Decorate all the greens. It turned out tasty, useful, beautiful, spring dish.

8. Developing games for children. Education account
Cards in Mathematics for preschoolers with numbers from 1 to 20.

Download cards in mathematics can be on the links:
link 1 >>>>
link 2 >>>>
9. Spring crafts
Original decoration for pots of potted flowers can be made from plastic spoons. For this spring crafts you will also need: acrylic paints, doll eyes, glue or glue gun on cardboard or heavy paper green.

Hope you like these spring craft ideas and tutorials.