Required Material:
- Wooden bolt (to be found at any hardware store and ask to cut it to the size you want – here we use 2 cm by 61 cm)
- Corrugated paper of different colors
- Threads
- Pins
- Scissors
- Punch
- Handle
- Wooden glazing beads (optional)
Step 1: To speed up the process of cutting the petals bend corrugated paper along the length of a period of about 5 cm wide in 6 layers. Secure the edges of clothespins.
Step 2: Use the pattern to draw the contours of the petals along the strip of paper. Selling holes in each stack of petals with a punch.
Step 3: Cut out the petals. Do the same with every color of the paper.
Step 4: To fluff up the petals, gently pull the edges of the paper, creating a kind of ripple. You can stretch several petals, to save time.
Step 5: Tight bolt threads. Tie long strands around the bolt every 5 cm. On them, you will be stringing the petals.
Step 6: petals are strung on a thread and tighten the knot at the end of each tape obtained. Alternate the colors of the petals, to get the palette.