Needed yarn and 5 needles (I semenovskaya Olga yarn 100g / 392m, needles №2)
Dial loops 40, 10 on each needle
Knit pattern:
1, 2 row – facial;
3 – purl;
4 – with two front, nakida, etc .;
5 – face;
6 – purl;
7, 8 – facial;
Then repeat 3 times 2 – 8 rows.
Next 2 rows knit facial;
In the next row each spoke vyvyazat 2 “holes” (on each spoke 1p.- knit front and two together as the front, nakida, 3n -. Face, the two together as a face, nakida, 2n -. Facial).
Next 5 rows knit facial loops.
Then knit tab:
On a working number knitting needle 2 move 2 more loops with needles number 1 and number 3, received 12 loops, the remaining 28 should be postponed or so and left them on three needles (№1 – 9 loops, №2 – 12 loops №3 – 9 loops, №4 – 10 loops) or transfer them to other circular needles (and line) or the pin knitting.
On 12 loops (spoke №2) knit pattern:
1, 2 row – facial;
3rd row – along two front, nakida, etc .;
4, 5, 6 row – purl;
Next 3 times repeat rows 1-6.
Next 4 rows stocking st (on the front side – the front surface of) .Poluchilas upper part of the foot.