How to Make Colorful Crochet Slippers

Colorful crochet slippers:

Size: 38
Materials: yarn of different colors, of not less than 70% wool, hook number 3

Sole: Knitting guided by the sole of your slipper insole, approximate description in pictures, but it is easy to repeat.
Start to perform the sole 32 / n, knit columns without nakida around, adding columns at each end of the chain -. 4 rows.
Put the loop tag field extension of the sole.

Continue to knit columns without nakida in the narrow parts and polustolkikami with nakida with posts with nakida in the widest part of another 2 series.
Cut the thread.

Connect thread on the mark.Knit only the wide part of the label to label.Cut the thread.

Sole is ready!

Stop: connect the thread of a different color in the center of the heel.
1st row: knit columns without nakida. 2nd row: knit columns without nakida only the inner wall of the loop. 3-4 rows: Change color, knit columns without nakida. 5-6 rows: Change yarn, knit V-bars on the chart. Start to perform subtraction of loops on the fingers, calculated using the subtraction place your foot, noting labels provyazyvat 2 columns without nakida together for subtraction 8th row: Change yarn, knit pattern for the scheme to metkok ubavok and columns without nakida (subtracting the desired number of columns) between the marks. 9th row: Change yarn to knit columns without nakida.
10th row: Knit columns without nakida simultaneously perform decorative columns 3 columns nakida for the 7th series of work. 11th row: Change yarn to knit columns without nakida Top: dial 4 a / c, connected in a ring..
1st row: (1 st s / n, 2 / n.) – 8 times in the ring.
2nd row: (3 st s / n, 1 / n.) – In each arch of 2 loops.
3rd row: (1 st w / n, 5 a / c..) – In each arch of the 1st loop.
4th row: * 4 tbsp. b / n in the arch of the 5-loop, 1 tbsp. b / n in the arch of the 1st loop of the 2nd row. 5th row: Knit lush column + 3 / n. between 2 central columns of the arch 5-loops and arches in a column of the 1st loop.
To associate a magnificent column: knit 4 tbsp. s / n in one loop, remove the loop from the hook, crochet thread the upper loop of the first column, put back the loop on the hook (= 2 loops on hook), knit 2 sts together. 6th row: thread runs two colors at the same time, (3 tbsp b / n thread A thread in pico, 3 tablespoons w / thread A..) In each arch.
Sew the top part to the base.

The original curtains on the door knit “Orange Heart”

Paper Embroidery 1


Need for knitting:

– Yarn Pekhorka “Successful”, 100% mercerized cotton, 220m / 50g, orange – 3 pieces;

– Acrylic beads in the shape of hearts, “Crystal game” art.CRP061, orange – 8 packages;

– Glass beads 9-11 mm;

– Hook number 1.25.






ce – air loop;

st b / n – column without nakida;

v s / n – bar with nakida.

So, we begin:

Knitting curtains can be divided into 2 stages: Knitting and Knitting yarns top.

I prefer to knit the upper hand in the width of doors, ie from one casing to another – it’s easier not to miss the desired width curtains. Very well suited for this Bruges braid.

Top curtains knit in 2 threads.

For knitting lace Enter 7 CP – The base tape – we assume that this is the first row.

2 row: knit 6 CP – “Ears”, for which we tie the thread – and v s / n in the 7th ce Thence and 5 v s / n. 3 series of 12 ce ( “ear” for which the curtain will be hung on the door), turn over knitting, Article 5 s / n, CP, arts / n.

If you already have a crossbar, which will be hung curtains, you should not knit 12 cm, and so to be able to thread the bar into the “ear”.

Row 4: knit as the second.

Row 5: knit, as the third.

We continue to knit braid, alternating between the second and third rows of curtains to the desired width. Cut the strings, tails hide.

According to the “lugs” consider how to associate the threads and how much beads and glass beads.Glass beads are tied and hung on the ends of the threads – so the thread is better to hang and less confused. And in order to determine how much you need Beads – knit pattern. I was knitting yarn with different amounts of CE between the beads and different lengths and is applied to the door. As a result, I decided that between the beads is 40 ce and beads on each strand is 7 pcs.

curtains yarns knit in a single thread.

Before you start knitting each thread stringing beads – 7 pieces.

Move aside the beads away, so they do not interfere with undergirding the ball and start to trim. We type 2 CE and the second loop on the hook  6 item b / n – 1 number. 2 number: 2 item b / n in each column – get 12 st b / n. 3rd row: Art w / o, 2 tbsp w / n in a column – so continue until the end of the series and get a 18 st b / n. It’s time to try on the ball 🙂

Just right 🙂

4 and 5 rows knit without changes – to 18 st b / n in each.

Fields are beginning to turn up and get “cap”.

Number 6: Article w / n, item b / n in column 2 of the previous series (Ibaka) – knit to end of a row and get the 12 st b / n.

We put into our “cap” the tail that sticks out from the beginning of knitting and the ball – he enters with difficulty, but still gives in, but will not fall out when knitting the next row. 7 number: Article w / n in every two columns (Ibaka) – continue until the end of the series and get 6 tablespoons w / n. At this point, I usually end up tying the ball. Through Art w / I pull for eyelet – turns 3 loops on the hook – and  them together, thereby connecting the edges. Now the thread itself. Try knitting ce tightly and uniformly to the thread of the same length were obtained. Provyazyvaem 40 CE Provyazyvaem another 2 CP and item b / n the 2nd ce off the hook – get neat “knot”, which will hold the bead. The height of the beads is equal to 5 V. – Provyazyvaem 5 CP Slightly pull the loop and with the help of the hook through the hole stretch her beads. From beads sticking only half ce Waist loop to normal size, and continue knitting. Again 40 ce, 2 ce with Article w / n, 5 CP, and bead.

So keep knitting until the end strung beads, and after the last bead  40 ce, cut the thread and leave the tip length of 6-8 cm, which would be possible to tie a thread to the “eyelet” tape.

All yarn knit similarly. To edge is slightly wavy and more interesting, each second thread after the last I do not provyazyvala beads 40 CP and 20 CP As a result, half of yarn turned out a little shorter.

Tie the thread to the band tails and hide.

Shutters are ready.

DIY: baby booties crochet for beginners

Booties 11

Needed yarn and 5 needles (I semenovskaya Olga yarn 100g / 392m, needles №2)
Dial loops 40, 10 on each needle
Knit pattern:
1, 2 row – facial;
3 – purl;
4 – with two front, nakida, etc .;
5 – face;
6 – purl;
7, 8 – facial;
Then repeat 3 times 2 – 8 rows.
Next 2 rows knit facial;
In the next row each spoke vyvyazat 2 “holes” (on each spoke 1p.- knit front and two together as the front, nakida, 3n -. Face, the two together as a face, nakida, 2n -. Facial).
Next 5 rows knit facial loops.
Then knit tab:
On a working number knitting needle 2 move 2 more loops with needles number 1 and number 3, received 12 loops, the remaining 28 should be postponed or so and left them on three needles (№1 – 9 loops, №2 – 12 loops №3 – 9 loops, №4 – 10 loops) or transfer them to other circular needles (and line) or the pin knitting.
On 12 loops (spoke №2) knit pattern:
1, 2 row – facial;
3rd row – along two front, nakida, etc .;
4, 5, 6 row – purl;
Next 3 times repeat rows 1-6.
Next 4 rows stocking st (on the front side – the front surface of) .Poluchilas upper part of the foot.
Dial on the lateral parts of the newly connected top of booties on 10 stitches and put into operation the remaining loops, distributing them on the needles as follows: on the first spoke 10 loops (toe), the second and fourth of 20 loops (lateral parts), the third spoke 10 loops (the heel). A total of 60 loops.
Knit 12 rows garter st in a circle (alternating rows and rows backstitches facial loops).
Next 7 rows stocking st, 8 th row.
Snap to the first of the 7-series. I tie this way: on the extra needle loops dress series, which binds the base web. Then I provyazyvayu 2 loops at the same time, with 2 spokes.
Temporarily put aside all the loops, except the 10 stitches middle portion (heel) and knit them out of the sole. Knit the front stitch, at the end of each row of the last loop of the sole provyazyvaem together with the next loop of the number of pending, is obtained from left and right. When all loops are knit side parts, close the loop toe and heel loop, sew the edge of a knitted stitch (you can twist on the wrong side and knit series in the two loops together, one at a time with the other spokes with spokes №2 №4).