A bouquet for mom: Mother’s day special handmade gift for mom.
Materials and tools:
- Printer paper or colored paper
- Stationery knife
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Stapler
- Ruler
- Pencil
Cut a square of paper 3 10×10 cm.
The stapler fastening them together at the corners.
Draw rounded corners.
Draw a spiral. The width of the spiral coil approximately 2 cm.
Draw helices on elements for cutting.
Getting cut.
Cut the spiral.
cut corners.
Get 3 equal parts.
Make rosettes.
For the leaves need to cut out a rectangle of 10h16 cm.
The folded in half along the long side.
Draw a shamrock and scrapie nesolkih paper in places where there is no pattern.
First cut leaf veins.
Then – along the contour.
Take the size 9h16 cm paper.
Displace shaped horn and glue edge.
Glue 3 flowers together.
Glue the leaves and flowers.
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