Beautiful Craft Ideas with MDF Box

Craft ideas with MDF box can result in objects for you to store your offal, in packaging to increase your gifts and even in pieces for the decoration of your environments.

Craft Ideas with MDF Box

You can coat your MDF box with the material you want, such as plain paper, contact paper, jute, paint and even fabric. If you want a box lined with fabric, glue it around your box using glue for decoupage. And use a lot of glue to decoupage around the box as well, to waterproof your piece so that even if it splashes a few drops of water your box will not be ruined.

To enhance your party keepsake, you can customize the MDF box the way you want. It is worth to coat the box with the material you desire. And it’s also worth customizing your box of MDF in a stylized way, like painting the clothes of the bride and groom, to introduce the godparents of the wedding, for example. A very different way to use an MDF box is by securing it to the wall to create a niche. You can customize the MDF box before attaching it to the wall, any way you want and according to the decorating style you want for your environment. Besides there are numerous ways to customize your MDF box, as already mentioned and there are also a multitude of materials that can be applied in your box to embellish it, such as gemstones, beautiful letters, ribbons, attachments and more a multitude of Items. And after customizing your box you can use it to embellish your spaces, even if you do not store anything inside them.

Curtain Crystals – Step By Step

Curtain crystals 1

To separate a very large environment, serve as a door and even serve to cover that part of the wall that is damaged, in addition to its traditional function to “grace” the window, the curtain is a great and versatile element. And the crystal curtain is even more special, since it also has a very large and interesting aesthetic beauty.

Tips for Making a Crystal Curtain

To make this cheerful crystal curtain you will need: large and small colored beads; Large crystals and small transparent; Wooden stick; And nylon thread. That’s it! Remember that you can use other combinations of colors between beads and crystals, for a curtain with your style, unique and exclusive.

Read also about Footsteps Tray Step by Step .

Begin by calculating and cutting pieces of nylon yarn in the length necessary to make your curtain; But vary the wire lengths on a 2-cm scale between one wire or the other. But measure a piece of yarn left to tie in the wood. Then place a beads at one end and tie a knot to make the “beak” of the curtain. And if you want you can also put a bigger pendant on the tips, so your curtain gets even more differentiated.

Then continue putting on the beads, but always intercalating the colors and sizes of the beads and crystals, forming a very interesting sequence. And when you get to the end give a knot so the stones do not escape. And repeat the same process on each of the nylon strands until you reach enough yarn for your curtain to get the desired width. And to finish, arm your curtain, and for this pass the leftover of each wire by drilling the wooden stick and tie with a knot. And your curtain is ready!

Wind Chime Using Old Keys

Wind music of old keys 1

Probably, every family has a warehouse of useless things. Would not it be great to find them a new life! Do you have such an opportunity: buy a second life to old keys 🙂

So, we need:

1. Keys.

In my practice, I have been manufacturing wind music experience of old keys. I want to warn at once: hollow keys, we will not do, they are not heard, we need the key alloy. I decided not to repeat them, and to find the key of all shapes and sizes on the same instance.

2. Gold enamel sprays acrylic enamel in the bank.

3. twine, thread floss.

4. Beads.

5. Sleigh Bells (bells).

6. Glue.

In my work I use glue for ceiling tiles: it has no color, smells strong, sticks together firmly, but easily washed by hand.

7. Wire for needlework.

So, we picked up the keys and the five bells ringing now prepare them for painting, I posted them in a metal cover. Then be sure to get out into the fresh air. In the film we begin to spray paint, coloring our Keys thoroughly on both sides. Keys dried up and that’s what we got: Now zaymёmsya basis for our wind music: it must be a hoop. I chose a hoop with a diameter of 16 cm and only took the inner ring. Then we wrapped tightly wrap string: Then wrap wrapped diagonally thread floss: we use the soft blue color, in the future, it will overlap with the wind elements of music: It’s time to choose the color scheme, which will determine the beads and beads. We are making mounts for our base for our share of the circle into four equal parts and connect them strictly in the middle of the circle: Now we count the number of keys. Cut as much thread sewing with each subsequent thread should be slightly longer than the previous one, a sort of stage. Attach a simple winding thread on the base in use glue. Next is the long and laborious part of the work: for each thread strung beads and beads in this order, as the heart desires and tastes! After the beads are strung and left a small tip of the thread we attach the first key: Key put on the glue, thread wrapped neatly around the tab key. And so we are working with each thread. It follows that each subsequent key hung lower, but touched the previous one. After several hours of hard work, we are ready for the next step. Change the attachment to a neat and durable. We decorate our foundation. To do this, use a wire of gold color and crystals – drops of blue. Do not forget about the beads. Wires are twisted into a spiral, arbitrarily adding beads and crystals. It turns out delicate wreath that  our foundation. Entwine our foundation’s how beautiful it turns out: I key tone seemed warm enough and I decided to cover them paint a rich golden color. Gloves I never use, but you advise. Although the paint and so very easily washed away with warm water unnecessary chemical exposure to the skin you do not need. Now for the bells. Fasten each thread and tie them in a bundle, but so that each bell was on a different level. We hang the bells in the center of the composition, and enjoy 🙂 To all heard the wonderful sound.

The original curtains on the door knit “Orange Heart”

Paper Embroidery 1


Need for knitting:

– Yarn Pekhorka “Successful”, 100% mercerized cotton, 220m / 50g, orange – 3 pieces;

– Acrylic beads in the shape of hearts, “Crystal game” art.CRP061, orange – 8 packages;

– Glass beads 9-11 mm;

– Hook number 1.25.






ce – air loop;

st b / n – column without nakida;

v s / n – bar with nakida.

So, we begin:

Knitting curtains can be divided into 2 stages: Knitting and Knitting yarns top.

I prefer to knit the upper hand in the width of doors, ie from one casing to another – it’s easier not to miss the desired width curtains. Very well suited for this Bruges braid.

Top curtains knit in 2 threads.

For knitting lace Enter 7 CP – The base tape – we assume that this is the first row.

2 row: knit 6 CP – “Ears”, for which we tie the thread – and v s / n in the 7th ce Thence and 5 v s / n. 3 series of 12 ce ( “ear” for which the curtain will be hung on the door), turn over knitting, Article 5 s / n, CP, arts / n.

If you already have a crossbar, which will be hung curtains, you should not knit 12 cm, and so to be able to thread the bar into the “ear”.

Row 4: knit as the second.

Row 5: knit, as the third.

We continue to knit braid, alternating between the second and third rows of curtains to the desired width. Cut the strings, tails hide.

According to the “lugs” consider how to associate the threads and how much beads and glass beads.Glass beads are tied and hung on the ends of the threads – so the thread is better to hang and less confused. And in order to determine how much you need Beads – knit pattern. I was knitting yarn with different amounts of CE between the beads and different lengths and is applied to the door. As a result, I decided that between the beads is 40 ce and beads on each strand is 7 pcs.

curtains yarns knit in a single thread.

Before you start knitting each thread stringing beads – 7 pieces.

Move aside the beads away, so they do not interfere with undergirding the ball and start to trim. We type 2 CE and the second loop on the hook  6 item b / n – 1 number. 2 number: 2 item b / n in each column – get 12 st b / n. 3rd row: Art w / o, 2 tbsp w / n in a column – so continue until the end of the series and get a 18 st b / n. It’s time to try on the ball 🙂

Just right 🙂

4 and 5 rows knit without changes – to 18 st b / n in each.

Fields are beginning to turn up and get “cap”.

Number 6: Article w / n, item b / n in column 2 of the previous series (Ibaka) – knit to end of a row and get the 12 st b / n.

We put into our “cap” the tail that sticks out from the beginning of knitting and the ball – he enters with difficulty, but still gives in, but will not fall out when knitting the next row. 7 number: Article w / n in every two columns (Ibaka) – continue until the end of the series and get 6 tablespoons w / n. At this point, I usually end up tying the ball. Through Art w / I pull for eyelet – turns 3 loops on the hook – and  them together, thereby connecting the edges. Now the thread itself. Try knitting ce tightly and uniformly to the thread of the same length were obtained. Provyazyvaem 40 CE Provyazyvaem another 2 CP and item b / n the 2nd ce off the hook – get neat “knot”, which will hold the bead. The height of the beads is equal to 5 V. – Provyazyvaem 5 CP Slightly pull the loop and with the help of the hook through the hole stretch her beads. From beads sticking only half ce Waist loop to normal size, and continue knitting. Again 40 ce, 2 ce with Article w / n, 5 CP, and bead.

So keep knitting until the end strung beads, and after the last bead  40 ce, cut the thread and leave the tip length of 6-8 cm, which would be possible to tie a thread to the “eyelet” tape.

All yarn knit similarly. To edge is slightly wavy and more interesting, each second thread after the last I do not provyazyvala beads 40 CP and 20 CP As a result, half of yarn turned out a little shorter.

Tie the thread to the band tails and hide.

Shutters are ready.

Beautiful curtains made of beads and artificial flowers


Such air and colorful curtains to make very simple of beads and artificial flowers, and they look very original. So here’s what we need to work:

To begin with, the line cut off the required length (required length multiplied by two, and add another 30 cm).

In the middle of the fishing line put large beads and folded twice the line begin to string beads.

Thread the fishing line through the heart of the flower., Then re-stringing beads. We continue to alternate colors and beads until there is 15 cm of line. So do the required number of threads. For mounting use wooden batten desired length, the holes drilled in it at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. You’re ready to tie the thread to the rail and our original floral curtain is ready!

How to Make Decanter Box of T-Shirts

Shirt Box 1

The manufacturing process is the following; cut t-shirt that’s as I showed, and sew But this is not enough and, therefore, T-shirts of different colors. But I want to say that it is best to paint the shirts once more in the final form, otherwise bad then painted over. Make a loop At the end of the loop stretch and get a new loop The result is such a pigtail

Then the pigtail sewing needle. For convenience, we are putting in any form.
It turns out something like this form. Next, the shape of the dress and coat with glue well with water and after drying, even coat of varnish for durability. Although the adhesive after it holds its shape well. To use the top, something to keep the shape you want. For registration of the neck using the materials at hand. Take a small stick Winding yarn produced And then beautifully laid This is the flip side Painted black. Gilded paint, gilding For registration, I’m from the old leather boots carved molds. I glue them, but to get such a “boat”. In each “boat” knitted from yarn midway and branches. All received the packed pattern and glue.

Beautiful Chandeliers and lampshades made of plastic bottles

Chandeliers and lampshades 1 1

Brilliant thought came two years ago,  when took part in an environmental project in South America, for the protection of virgin forest of the Colombian Amazon.
He saw how much waste plastic is thrown into the river, and then falls into the Pacific Ocean, and it gave rise to inspiration. From discarded plastic bottles, he began to make lamps and lampshades.