Crafts from natural materials are perhaps the most favorite form of creativity in children of all ages. Working with natural materials retains heat and hands of the master and always carries a positive energy. Very beautiful crafts can be made from seashells, acorns, chestnuts, dried leaves, etc. But the most original, and at the same time easy to manufacture work can be obtained from the usual pumpkin seeds.
Pumpkin seeds – this is an easily accessible natural material to work with which it is possible at any time of the year. Pumpkin seeds can produce a wide variety of original crafts, such as floral bouquet. I bring to your attention a master class on making flowers of pumpkin seeds. These flowers turn out very beautiful and original, and most importantly – they are easy to make and do not require great physical and financial costs.
Required Material:
1. Pumpkin seeds;
2. Peas;
3. Silicone adhesive;
4. PVA glue;
5. Floral tape;
6. Hessian;
7. Wooden sticks;
8. cardboard sheet;
9. Jute yarn;
10. The compass;
11. Simple pencil;
12. Scissors;
13. Acrylic paint white;
14. Brush;
15. Ruler.
Before you begin, you must treat the burlap so that it becomes rigid and does not crumble. To this mix of PVA glue and water in a proportion of 50 to 50 and fully put in the sack solution. After that, the fabric should be dried and ironed.
While dried burlap, let us direct manufacturer flowers. The basis for the colors to be a circle of cardboard. Using a compass draw a circle on the cardboard with a diameter of 6 cm., And cut it.
Now take the pumpkin seeds and using a silicone adhesive or glue “Moment”, pasted them in a circle. Paste the seeds so that their sharp edge was on top.
The first row of seeds prepared.
Now just glue the seeds of the second row.
Sunflower seeds in the second row should be staggered and overlapping with respect to the first row. Also, do the third and fourth rows of seeds.
The middle of the flower reserve not glued.
Now we turn over our flowered on the back side and glue have to this side of a row of seeds.
Since our bouquet will consist of three colors, then make three for flowers.
Pumpkin seeds, which we used for the flower petals are not very beautiful yellowish tint, so we using white acrylic paint, paint them white.
We leave flowers alone until they are completely dry.
Until the paint is dry, we do not lose time in vain and will prepare two cardboard parts: a circle with a diameter of 6 cm, and lepestochek, the height of 7 cm, and width – 4 cm…
The carton blanks are put on the pressed and dried burlap and encircle their contours.
Circles will need to cut 3 pieces,
and petals – 6 pieces.
Next a burlap circle glue on the reverse side of a flower preform.
And along the contour cut petals from burlap, we stuck jute thread.
And now it’s time to prepare for the stems of flowers. To stem can be used straight branches of the tree, we took advantage of chopsticks for sushi. Take floristic tape green and completely wrapped with it every wand.
If you do not have floral tape, you can use the corrugated paper. We make three identical stems.
Now we collect our flowers. In the middle of the flower Do the workpiece hole
and insert the stem into it ready.
In the middle of the flower glue yellow peas, which for strength from above abundantly watered with white glue.
Also, instead of peas can be used dried corn kernels, buckwheat or grains of pepper.
And finally left to attach the petals to our flowers. Fasten them using floral tape or corrugated paper.
That’s all – flowers ready! It remains to put our bouquet in a vase. This original bouquet decorates any space, especially natural corner in the school or in kindergarten. Good luck and success!
Source: Chudesenka
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