How to Make Pumpkin Seeds Bouquet

Crafts from natural materials are perhaps the most favorite form of creativity in children of all ages. Working with natural materials retains heat and hands of the master and always carries a positive energy. Very beautiful crafts can be made from seashells, acorns, chestnuts, dried leaves, etc. But the most original, and at the same time easy to manufacture work can be obtained from the usual pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds – this is an easily accessible natural material to work with which it is possible at any time of the year. Pumpkin seeds can produce a wide variety of original crafts, such as floral bouquet. I bring to your attention a master class on making flowers of pumpkin seeds. These flowers turn out very beautiful and original, and most importantly – they are easy to make and do not require great physical and financial costs.

Required Material:

1. Pumpkin seeds;
2. Peas;
3. Silicone adhesive;
4. PVA glue;
5. Floral tape;
6. Hessian;
7. Wooden sticks;
8. cardboard sheet;
9. Jute yarn;
10. The compass;
11. Simple pencil;
12. Scissors;
13. Acrylic paint white;
14. Brush;
15. Ruler.

Before you begin, you must treat the burlap so that it becomes rigid and does not crumble. To this mix of PVA glue and water in a proportion of 50 to 50 and fully put in the sack solution. After that, the fabric should be dried and ironed. While dried burlap, let us direct manufacturer flowers. The basis for the colors to be a circle of cardboard. Using a compass draw a circle on the cardboard with a diameter of 6 cm., And cut it. Now take the pumpkin seeds and using a silicone adhesive or glue “Moment”, pasted them in a circle. Paste the seeds so that their sharp edge was on top. The first row of seeds prepared. Now just glue the seeds of the second row. Sunflower seeds in the second row should be staggered and overlapping with respect to the first row. Also, do the third and fourth rows of seeds.

The middle of the flower reserve not glued.

Now we turn over our flowered on the back side and glue have to this side of a row of seeds.

Since our bouquet will consist of three colors, then make three for flowers. Pumpkin seeds, which we used for the flower petals are not very beautiful yellowish tint, so we using white acrylic paint, paint them white. We leave flowers alone until they are completely dry. Until the paint is dry, we do not lose time in vain and will prepare two cardboard parts: a circle with a diameter of 6 cm, and lepestochek, the height of 7 cm, and width – 4 cm… The carton blanks are put on the pressed and dried burlap and encircle their contours. Circles will need to cut 3 pieces, and petals – 6 pieces.Next a burlap circle glue on the reverse side of a flower preform. And along the contour cut petals from burlap, we stuck jute thread. And now it’s time to prepare for the stems of flowers. To stem can be used straight branches of the tree, we took advantage of chopsticks for sushi. Take floristic tape green and completely wrapped with it every wand. If you do not have floral tape, you can use the corrugated paper. We make three identical stems. Now we collect our flowers. In the middle of the flower Do the workpiece hole and insert the stem into it ready. In the middle of the flower glue yellow peas, which for strength from above abundantly watered with white glue.

Also, instead of peas can be used dried corn kernels, buckwheat or grains of pepper.

And finally left to attach the petals to our flowers. Fasten them using floral tape or corrugated paper.

That’s all – flowers ready! It remains to put our bouquet in a vase. This original bouquet decorates any space, especially natural corner in the school or in kindergarten. Good luck and success!

Source: Chudesenka

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How To Make Rose Using The Plastic Bag

If you love roses handmade, in this activity we will offer how to make it a wonderful roses using things that are available daily and are the plastic bag and various colors and is very easy and simple way

Required Material:

  • plastic bags different colors.
  • Metal wire mesh.
  • Threading.
  • A circular template.
  • Tape cloth for decorating.

Cut into pieces cut as follows Packaging in the circular start racing wire Giving those coated wire forms and a variety of well-connected strings at the bottom. Continue to prepare all kinds of formats After you finish you get the following figure These are some suggested formats

How to Make Cardboard Corner Shelf / Rack

This tutorial shows how to make step by step cardboard corner shelf / rack / Organizer.
Cut an right angled isosceles triangle of cardboard of sides 13 inch and hypotenuse 18 inch (take 9 such triangles) Now, cut 18 stripe of cardboard of size (13 inch * 2 inch) Next,cut 9 stripe of cardboard of size (19 inch * 2 inch ) Now, take 3 triangles and glue them one over other to make one tough triangle. Take two pieces of cord of lenght 5 feet and put one end of both the cord in the center holes (hole at the right angled corner) of the 3 trays and the other ends in the other 2 sides hole of the trays

DIY: Handmade Paper Mache Pencil Holder

Have you got loads of newspaper lying around? Are you feeling crafty? Well, you have come to the right place.

In this tutorial, I will be telling how you can turn your old newspapers into something good-looking and useful. So follow along.

Step 1: Required Material
  1. Loads of newspaper (obviously)
  2. Flour (to make glue)
  3. Water (to make glue and paper mache clay)
  4. A bottle or anything similar (you will see why, later.)
  5. A bowl
  6. PVA Glue
  7. Paints and brushes
  8. Paper shredder (optional)
  9. Hand blender (optional)

And that’s it.

Let’s get making.

Step 2: Shredding Newspaper to Make the Container

Start by shredding the newspaper in 1 inch wide strips. You don’t need a lot, these stripes of newspaper will only be used to make the container of our pencil holder, which will not be very thick.

But you can shred a lot because we will be needing them in later steps anyway.

Step 3: Making Paper Mache Glue

Traditionally the glue used to make paper mache crafts is made by mixing flour and water. and we will be using the same in this project. But you can always use regular glue if you want to.

The glue made out of flour tends to be messy, but it adds to the fun.

To make paper mache glue, take a cup of flour in a mixing bowl and gradually start adding water in it while constantly stirring it. Keep doing it until the mixture turns into a smooth paste. The paste should be neither too runny nor too thick. Click here to watch the video. (Don’t worry, the link will open in new tab.)

TIP 1: Don’t make a lot of paper mache glue at once, because after a day or two, the glue will not be as sticky. So only make as much as you will be able to use in one day.

TIP 2: Use something strong to stir the mixture. I learnt this the hard way, after breaking one spatula.

Step 4: Making the Container

To make the container, dip the strips of newspaper in the paper mache glue, once the whole strip is covered in the glue, remove the excess and start laying it on a bottle or any other such thing as shown in the picture above (numbered as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Lay the strips perpendicular to one another in order to give the container more strength. (Click here to watch the video.) Keep doing this till your container is two layers thick (see the picture numbered as 6). Then leave it for drying overnight. On the next day, carefully remove your container from the bottle. You may have to use some force, but be gentle, you don’t want to break it. If necessary, use some prying tool to get it out. Don’t panic if it breaks slightly, It will be fixed in a moment, but try not to break it in two or three pieces. At this stage, your container should look somewhat like the one shown in picture above, numbered as 7 and 8.

After removing the container from the bottle, start covering it with newspaper stripes once again. This time, you have to make it thick enough so it is no more fragile.

One important note: let your container dry after every layer, otherwise molds could ruin your pencil holder. I dried mine in the sun, but if the sun is not in your favour, use your oven. Keep it in a warm oven and leave the door slightly open so water vapour could easily escape.

Step 5: Become Paper Shredder Once Again and Make Paper Mache Clay

By now you may be wondering that the container looks so ugly. Yes you are right, it is. But it will no longer be, get prepared to make it look beautiful.

Start shredding more newspapers, but this time shred in smaller pieces. If you have a paper shredder, go ahead and use it, it will make your work a lot easier because you need a lot of shredded newspaper. Keep the shredded paper in a large bowl.

After shredding, add water to fill the bowl and let the paper soak in water for around 12 hours, it will make the process of making paper mache clay much easier.

Now that the paper has become soggy, start destroying it. (Take a look at the picture above or watch the video linked above.). Take your time and turn the paper into smooth pulp. Make sure there are no lumps in the pulp, because they will trouble you afterwards.

When you have turned the whole thing into pulp (like in picture numbered as 6 above), remove the excess water by straining and squeeze the pulp. You just need the pulp to be moist, there should be no water dripping from it.

Once you have got your pulp out of the water, add some paper mache glue to it and mix well. I added the pulp and paper mache glue in about 3:1 ratio. you don’t have to be precise.

If done correctly, you should now have your paper mache clay ready for next step. Your paper mache clay should look somewhat like bread dough.

Step 6: Time to Get Crafty

Now that you have made paper mache clay, use it to sculpt around the container using your imagination. Use plenty of paper mache glue to make your sculpture smooth. I made my pencil holder look like a tree trunk (take a look at the images above), but you can get creative and make something else.

After you have done sculpting, dry it in the sun for at least 7 to 10 days before proceeding further. It has to dry completely not only from outside but also from inside otherwise molds will find their way to your pencil holder, and I don’t think you want that. So make sure it dries completely.

When I was making my pencil holder, the sun was not in my favour, so I had to use my oven to dry it.

You can do it too, Keep your pencil holder in warm oven and leave the door slightly open so the water vapour can escape.

TIP: Make sure there are no cracks tn your sculpture as they will reduce its strength. Fill any cracks with paper mache clay and plenty or paper mache glue.

Step 7: Paint It

Now that you have completed sculpting your pencil holder, let’s paint it to make it look even better.

But before painting it, cover it in a layer of PVA glue. Any PVA glue will work. Mix one part of PVA glue in one part water, and apply it on your pencil holder. It will make your pencil holder stronger.

Once the glue has dried, go ahead and paint your pencil holder according to your imagination using acrylic paint. Acrylic paint, apart from looking good, will seal your pencil holder so no moisture can enter and ruin it.

You can use any other paint if you want to but, you will have to seal your pencil holder with some sort of acrylic sealant to make your sculpture weather sealed.

Now go and make your own, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Best Of Luck.

KIDS CRAFT: Artistic Ways to Recycle Bottle Caps

Recycle bottles caps is a Green way to make cheap decorations for kids rooms. Plastic bottle caps are a perfect material for decorating backyards with handmade designs in bright colors. Simple, easy for kids crafts make wonderful garden decorations. You can create beautiful flowers and funny characters with bottle caps. Colorful wall murals for kids rooms and unique gifts are great ideas to recycle bottle caps.

Plastic bottle caps are interactive kids toys that inspire and stimulate the imagination. Use a chance to incorporate this artistic way of recycling bottle caps into your home decorating. Colorful designs bring fun and joy into kids life. Recycled crafts and art projects teach children to act eco-friendly, be resourceful and creative.

Hope you like this recycle bottle bottle caps.

We would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. And be sure to like us Facebook for more ideas!

Thank you for visiting our website. Keep Creating with Art & Craft!

How to Make Lampshade Using Plastic Bottle

Lampshade made using plastic bottle

use your waste plastic bottles and make with them a beautifully recycled lampshade.

Required Material:

  • Brushes
  • Decorative light
  • Plastic Bottle
  • Aluminium Wire
  • Green craft tape
  • Scissors
  • Glitter
  • Lighter
  • Cutter
  • Pencil
  • Scale
  • Craft Wire
  • Crepe Paper
  • Decorative stones
  • Glue Gun
  • Acrylic Colors
  • Color Palette
  • Decorative Tape

Step 1: Cut the Plastic Bottle

Take an empty plastic bottle and hold it horizontal. Cut the upper part of it carefully with a knife. This is to make the head of our lampshade.

Step 2: Paint the Plastic Bottle

Now paint the plastic bottle with green and yellow color. You can use acrylic colors for this.

Step 3: Draw Characters

In order to decorate further draw some tribal characters on the plastic head using black color. This type of drawing is called “Warli” art which is an ancient drawing art form in one of the tribes living in the forests in India.

Step 4: Final Look of Lamphead

This is how your lampshade head will look like after drawing is done.

Step 5: Make Plastic Leaves

Now we will make some leaves. For this, cut a small plastic piece from rest of the bottle and cut it further in leaves shape. Paint and decorate these plastic leaves in green colors and add detailing.

Step 6: Make Crepe Paper Leaves

Next, take a crepe paper and create some leaves out of it. Also, collect some ready made flowers from the market.

Step 7: Create a Wired Stand

Now take the wire and form a triangular shape with it. This will form the base of the lampshade.

Step 8: Complete the Stand

Erect the stand and it will look like this.

Step 9: Decorate the Stand

Now cover the stand with color tape and attach the plastic leaves and crepe paper leaves on it. It will start looking more beautiful!

Step 10: Fix the Lamphead to It

Now attach the lamp head to the stand at the top. Use glue gun to make it tight. Make a hole at the top of the lampshade and insert the stand shaft in it to fix it tight.

Step 11: Our Lampshade Is READY!

Finally, fix small torch light inside the lamp head with he help of glue gun. Now your lampshade craft is ready!

courtesy:  Ananvita

How to Make Toilet Paper Roll Holder from Plastic Bottle

This toilet paper holder made of plastic bottle.

All made with bottle recycling
And still has a soap dispenser at the end.

I took a photo from all angles so that
You can see how it was done. But, I … I’m curious, I decided to make one!
And as I have bottles to the mountains,
I got stuck at work.
Let’s go to the materials you will need to get started:
3 pet bottles
1 screw
1 pliers
1 pilot pen
1 ruler
I chose the bottle of Fanta because her body
Is longer and the middle of the bottle is
Suitable for cutting. I took the toilet paper and
Me to make the hits on the sides. Medi and I’m doing the lateral cut. I was measuring the little holes with a ruler.
In this case, I did with 1 cm away,
But this is not a rule.
Each one can do closer or
Further … as you wish. Please note that I made a cut for the roller attachment.
At least what I use is very chubby
And had to make the cut. With the help of the pliers, I got a screw
That allows me to drill the hole and not go straight through
plastic. But be careful when handling! Look at the holes.
I did them well on the that I did with the pen! Here I start to finish my work.
I preferred to do the string.
Although I have other lines, I thought the
String wedged well with plastic. I started the base with low buttonholes. Here the work is finished.
I also made a flower in colored string
And a leaf to give grace! To make the union of the plastic again, I made
In the weeds, with this, the increase necessary to
Fit the toilet paper properly. Here the details of the side.
And do not worry about the holes.
After finishing, you can not even see them.
The tip is to make the holes well on the edge,
And that I only realized after
I began to make the point.
I passed the first career with 3 points high
And 2 chains, and in the second race I made high points on high points, when I arrived in the fan I put
2 high points within space.
So filled it out and it was really cool!

courtesy: madame-kathia