Beautiful DIY Flowers in the ganutell

Flowers in the ganutell Featured

Ganutell – this thread twisted with thin wire, twisted into one – a working thread, flexible, obedient, magic) correctly twisted thread – the basis of a beautiful work, which is nice to look at and to hold it in your hands

To work, we need quite a bit of material and a lot of patience, because occupation, though interesting, but very monotonous and monotonous) proper materials in the photo below – metallized thread floss, copper wire, beads for seredinok petals. You can use any beads, beads rovnenkie main pick to be beautiful in the finished flower. From tools – scissors, thicker wire for the base of the petals and small pliers or Pliers, wire cutters.

For more aesthetics I take Fancy yarn, they have a characteristic luster, making the wire less noticeable, but in this case, the same color of thread work)

DIY Pitcher for the fireplace Craft Idea -Step by step

Pitcher for the fireplace featured

slightly adapted it …, plumbing pipes I have not found, so the course went from the rolls of toilet paper,

cymbals suitable also I did not have, so the segments used to packages of yogurt

has covered it all with plaster bandages …

Then, a few times putty …

after drying skins every time … try on the handle …

handle also plastered with plaster bandages, are attached to the same jugs bandages, then back filler and skins, tedious this occupation, I tell you … but the result is comforting …

adorned their products in technology Pape art, for the first time this worked, loved, though not the first time I was able to twist the flagella of napkins, but eventually adapted …

and for the second pitcher MK took grapes from coffee beans, leaves out of my self-hardening plastic, and of the tissue flagella also used. And now the result of the work:

DIY Easy Gift Packing Bag – Craft Tutorial

Packing gift bag 572

This tutorial shows how to make a paper gift packing bag from colored cardboard. Beautiful for packing oddly shaped items! The use of colored cardboard for scrap booking, rulers, scissors and glue can create containers for Easter gifts. Template and photo masterclass see below.

Required Material:

  • Colored cardboard for scrap booking
  • Rulers
  • Scissors
  • Glue