For this we need:
– 2 reels of wide tape,
– The size of a sheet of chipboard 30h30sm. and 2 mm thick. (You can of beer cardboard and other.)
– Glue (I Moment Crystal)
– Design paper (or cloth) for finishing the outer and inner surface of the box,
– Tape for attaching the cover,
– A twisted cord, flowers, cutting out chipboard, for decoration.
Let’s get started.
Take a ruler and strictly at right angles to outline the cutting line on the reels. This is important for a smooth connection 2-parts of our boxes.
After the cut, the two spools, accurately straighten each one hand. To halves of the heart were symmetric, we put detail on each other and correct.
Now glue the seams. If the heart has turned out not quite symmetrical, you can drag it or rubber thread (photo 7), to give the desired shape, sprinkle with water and leave for several hours to dry.
Meanwhile, prepare the bottom of the box and the lid.
Take a sheet of chipboard and draw out our hearts on the outside. Then, retreating 2-3 mm., Outline the contour of another (the red line in the image 7). Should get 2 loops (as in the photo 8). Will be cut by the outer contour. Such details do 2 pcs. (for the bottom and lid).
To casket lid was fixed and not shifted, do one more detail, but in a smaller size. Those. perimeter wall boxes on the inside, draw a parallel circuit of 2-3 mm. less (green line on the photo 7) and cut by the inner loop. Paste paper design (or a tight-fitting cloth) all the details. Glue the bottom and proceed to the assembly of the cover. To make it look neat, cut out another heart made of cardboard a suitable color, that will cover all the bumps on the inside of the lid (photo 11).
Make the cut at fixing and threaded them tape (for strength folded in half). The ends of the strips are glued to the underside of the board, turn it upside down and glue to the inside of the lid.
Top glue third smaller part (picture 15 – the inner side of the cover, pictured 16 – external). The free ends of strips glued to the walls of the casket.
The photo box 18 upside down and seen how it should look like the mount on the outside.
That’s it! Bag ready. Now we have to decorate it to your taste. I used a twisted cord, cutting out chipboard, different flowers, stamens, leaves, and. Inside the velvet pasted paper.