For a long time I want to try to bleach and color burlap … all hands did not reach) Look, what a beautiful and gentle wreath can wring out of the vine and the branches or host miniature hydrangea flowers of colored burlap. Very original idea! Suitable for decoration of any interior. Enjoying a master class?
So, to create a delicate floral wreath we need the following materials:
*hessian (can be combined with another cotton cloth);
*vine or branch (the basis for the wreath can be and other scrap materials);
*Melt with hot glue;
*paint for fabric – on request;
*decoupage glue or Mod Podge glue PVA;
*stamp for scrapbooking in the form of flower;
*plastic measuring spoon.
Getting Started. From the vine and the branches are twisted hoop – the basis for our wreath
Now we take the burlap and cover it with an adhesive layer for decoupage Mod Podge or PVA glue. We wait until the drying treated burlap. With a stamp for scrapbooking cut out flowers. If not, cut the hydrangea flowers with scissors. With the help of a plastic measuring spoon attach the flowers form.