We need:
1. Felt hard matching colors
2. Hot gun
3. Flexible magnet
4. Ribbon
5. Scissors
6. Pen
7. Stained glass contour
8. A small notebook
9. A template (the ladies at the end of the post) Using the template cut out of felt right color detail.
In addition, cut out of felt a rectangle measuring 5.5 x 7.0 cm. Applied to BL knot itsy based notebook, pen outline space, which will host a ribbon On hot glue the ribbon to the back of the BL knot itsy, departing approximately 15 cm from the edge of the tape.The same hot glue gun parts cut from felt.
Wrapping the ribbon in front of a cat and glue it to the edge Blok not itsy.
Eyes moving, hair – pieces of chenille wire. These are fun and useful gifts turned out 🙂I give your templates:
SOVA CAT MINION TURTLE, to which my hands were not there yet, but maybe someone will like this option BL knot itsy: All masters on the upcoming holiday !!!