How to make coffee bean clock
hours, was born from a great love for coffee and chocolate 🙂
Thus, the coffee and the sweet tooth will need:
– Preparation hours under a coffee cup. My size is about 17 * 22 cm;
– Napkin in a coffee theme + brown or maroon monochrome napkin;
– Clockwork;
– Acrylic primer, varnish, paint brushes;
– Acrylic paint: white, brown;
– paper towels;
– polymer clay;
– Potal and glue Potali;
– satin ribbon;
– coffee beans;
– Melt;
– PVA glue;
– Foil.
I inspect the workpiece, looking for defects and fillings eliminate them. After drying the skin. On my billet was more master ordered 3 small holes on nizu- for greater beauty, decor
Then, in the course is the ground, I put or render it with a sponge.
The soil dries very quickly, and check if everything is dry, skin in 20-30 minutes. The next step – applying acrylic paint with a sponge or sponge evenly in 1 or 2 layers with drying. The paint I take in DIY stores: waterborne acrylic for interior use. 0.8-1.0 kg buckets on long enough.
On my watch, two coats of acrylic paint well dried and now akruratno, without fanaticism hides. We need a perfectly flat, smooth monotonous white surface. The skin initially the average grain size in the end, a smaller, more gentle
I picked up a napkin here: solid coffee with a small inscription. My billet quarter cloth covers not fully, the handle on the big cup, I rep later.
I’ve found method allows to stick a napkin neatly, without folds or tears. The top layer of paint wipes placed face down on the file and poured a puddle of water. While the water is distributed on a napkin, dabbing her napkin neatly straighten slightly stretched it sideways. The fingertips are helping to do this quickly, but carefully.