The milk can be used to make various handicrafts. We select a cue and step by step on how to make a cool item with the milk can. Whenever you have a can of milk at home, remove the label, rinse and let dry before starting any craft.
To make this suggestion it takes few materials, write down the list:
- Hot glue;
- colored wool;
- Decorative details of wood;
- 1 milk powder Can;
- Satin ribbon.
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How do crafts with cans
Recycling milk can
1.Once washed and sanitized milk can. Start winding the yarn ball by the length of the can, with the help of hot glue to the tips.
2.Then complete the paste also satin ribbon at the top and bottom to give a special touch.
3.Glue the decorations on the milk can, using hot glue. Allow to dry.
4.Use the can for different purposes
5.It can serve as pencil holders, such as flower pot or whatever your imagination desires.