Maybe it’s me, but what is there not to love about a French Knot? I LOVE them and I mean LOVE them. I have been incorporating them into my designs for many years, on their own as the centre of an itty bitty felt flower, an eye of a bird, on the tip of a butterfly antenna or on mass for a spectacular display. For such a tiny little stitch, it certainly has big impact!
The following sketch shows how to stitch a French Knot: and here are some photo’s of how I have found over time, the easiest way to stitch a French Knot. (Unlike my Blanket Stitch tutorial, you will note this time that both my hands are in the photo’s…I must say it’s definately easier when you have a photography assistant, AKA my husband Andy!)
This is what I do, to start, bring your needle out to the required place. You will see from the pictures that I have added small dots marking the outside edge of the flower that I am stitching, to give me a line to follow.
Now encircle the thread around your needle twice
Pull the thread tight and at the same time lower your needle so that the looped thread is now positioned where you would like your French Knot to be.
Put your finger against the loops holding them in position and then gently pull your needle through.
You will now have a neat little knot sitting on top of your fabric.
Finally to complete your stitch, put your needle back in as close as possible to where you started and take it through to the back.
you have now stitched a French Knot, just repeat the process again and again and ….
hope that you found this tutorial helpful, please do let me know! As always, if you have any questions, please do get in touch and I’ll do my very best to help.