How to Make Sprinkles Ring/Pendant

If you’re searching for a simple, cheap but pretty and colorful jewel, you’ re in the right place. This could be nice for you or as a gift, for a friend. Step 1: Ring’s Tools & Supplies Required Material:

  • Syringe
  • Mixing bowl
  • Stir stick
  • Lighter
  • Beer cap
  • Sprinkles
  • Resin
  • Ring

Step 2: Ring

  1. Pour the sprinkles in the bottle cap and arrange them as you like.
  2. With the syringe, drain equal amounts from the two parts of the resin and pour them in the small mixing bowl.
  3. Stir the two parts with a wooden stir stick until you have a homogeneous mixture. Don’t worry about the bubbles, we’ll blow the most of them.
  4. With the syringe drain the mixture and pour it on the sprinkles and be careful to spread it on the inner edges of the bottle cap.
  5. Let the bubbles emerge on the surface and blow them with the flame of a lighter. Be careful not to burn the resin.
  6. Let the resin dry at least overnight on a flat, horizontal surface. To protect your project from dust, you can cover it with a bowl for some hours and then uncover it.
  7. When your project dried completely, glue the ring on the other side of the bottle cap using a strong glue or (as I like to do) use the same resin you used to cover the sprinkles.

Step 3: Pendant’s Tools & Supplies

Required Material:
  • Rotary tool
  • Drill bit
  • Cutting plier
  • Round needle nose plier
  • Mixing bowl
  • Syringe (without needle)
  • Wooden stir stick
  • Lighter
  • Beer cap
  • Sprinkles
  • Resin
  • Jewelry Wire
  • Necklace cord

Step 4: Pendant

  1. Choose a beer cap. I chose mine by its colour. I think that bright colours fit better in this project. You can choose your cap by your favourite beer or logo too.
  2. Find a drill bit with the same size as the jewelry wire and drill a hole on the beer cap.
  3. Cut the wire, bend it at one end to remain on the beer cap (mine has a nail head, so I didn’t have to do this) and pass it through the hole.
  4. With the round needle nose plier bend the other end of the wire to form a loop.
  5. Pour the sprinkles on the cap and rearrange the pieces as you like.
  6. With the syringe drain the mixture and pour it on the sprinkles and be careful to spread it on the inner edges of the bottle cap.
  7. Let the bubbles emerge on the surface and blow them with the flame of a lighter. Be careful not to burn the resin.
  8. Let the resin dry at least overnight on a flat, horizontal surface. To protect your project from dust, you can cover it with a bowl for some hours and then uncover it.
  9. Pass the necklace cord through the loop and you are ready to wear it!

courtesy: Suki_ete

How to make ring sphere “Paris” of the epoxy resin – Step by Step

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we need:
Epoxy resin (Resin Crystal) Silicone Mold, the basis for the ring, the metal figure of the Eiffel Tower, pliers, wire cutters, glue, epoxy, matches, jewelry wire, sequins or microbeads, breadboard knife, a plastic cup and a wooden stick.
Epoxy mix in the proportions 2: 1, 1 ml and 2 ml hardener resin

mix thoroughly

We pour resin into a special silicone Mold covering approximately 1/3 of the total Mold resin and give leave all  if it does not, you can put the MDL with the resin in a container of hot water

take further action figure of the Eiffel Tower and bite off the ear with pliers, wire cutters, if it did not work very smoothly, you can trim the metal nail file

then take the match and cut off their head sulfuric Prototyping knife, so as to obtain three flat, small cubes

then do the design for securing the tower of matches and wire

anchoring wire

and immersed into the resin, so that legs of the tower structure and it does not come into contact

leave to dry for 24 hours

after this time, we take out the design and our tower remains fixed in the resin

Now to refill the resin, so that it almost covered the legs, this point is very important, because if you pour the resin, your tower will remain hanging in the air, and if you do not top up, then you will not see her legs, you need to be very careful at this stage, because Mold matted and filled up turret trio predict the result of the feet.

after you have filled in the resin again, we leave it to dry for 24 hours, and do not forget to cover the MDL cap to the resin did not get small lint and dust

After 24 Sasa pour in MDL sequins, artificial snow or microbeads, so you can pour white baked plastic rubbed on the Needle or fine saw, but the process is quite time-consuming, this advice find artificial snow if you are not a fan of sequins, I used pearl white tinsel

Now fill it with epoxy resin to the top and leave to dry for 24 hours

As time passes, we take out our balls mold. what we’ve got

then take the epoxy adhesive and glue bead to the base, the base can be any brand, it depends on your imagination, in this case, I used 2 silver and bases of round oval. you do not have an epoxy adhesive can be stuck on the same pitch, just a little wait until it thickens to not let stains

leave to dry for 24 hours.
Our ring ready

I hope the workshop seemed to you accessible and interesting and useful to you in the future