I suggest you make out of cardboard is very useful stuff for the bathroom – shelf for cosmetics and toiletries. Cardboard shelf can be like here, covered with a cloth, but you can as you like. For you will need cardboard, fabric, padding polyester, glue, thread a needle and scissors. Template see below shelves cut out of cardboard two rectangles measuring 30 cm by 18, we get the bottom shelf and the rear wall Cut 2 squares with a side of 18 cm and attach a decorative shape, as shown in the photo below. It shelves Cut shelf front panel 30 by 6 cm. Note the rounded corners on one side Cut two rectangles 30 and 10 30 cm by 8 cm, this will be the inner crossbeams Every detail of the tight-fitting cloth with synthetic padding All items are sewn by hand, blind stitch. You can simplify your work, first build a shelf, cardboard, glue, etc.)