To decorate a picture frame, a mirror frame or the decorative piece you want, you can make newspaper roses, which are very cheap to make, since you can use old newspapers that you own at home, they Guarantee that special touch the more that everyone looks for the decor of their home.
To make these beautiful roses you will need:
newspaper sheets
Common white glue
acrylic paint with the color of your choice.
Start by cutting the newspaper sheets into wide, wide horizontal strips. Separate three strips. And then glue these three strips together, along their ends, forming a long strip of newspaper.
Then fold the long strip in half to crease. Unfold and fold the sides of the newspaper strip inward. Fold in half again. And now you’ll have a long, but sturdy newspaper strip to make your rose. Soon after, form the crux of your rose, kneading and curling the beginning of the strip. Then continue to wrap the newspaper strip around the created core, turning it gently from time to time, to create asymmetry, as in the original rose. And add a little glue on the inside of the strip to secure the piece. Now, continue rolling the rose and crushing it in your hands until it reaches the desired size. At the end, stick the tip of the newspaper aunt to fix. And paint and your rose with the color of your preference and the aid of the brush. And it’s ready!