I would like to show how I made a flower vase out of plastic bottle. This flower vase can be used to keep both artificial and natural flowers. For keeping artificial plants or flowers use pebbles or sand in order to fill the vase and for natural flowers use water. This piece of craft is completely made out of plastic bottles. We use a lid of relatively large container as a base for the flower vase. Use spray paint or painting brush to paint the flower vase.
Required Materials:
1) Plastic bottle
2) Lid of a container
3) Artificial plants or Natural flowers
4) Pebbles
5) Cutting blade
6) Glue gun or any adhesive for plastic bonding
7) Iron box
8) Spray paint or Acrylic paint
First of we shall make the vase from the plastic bottles. For that,
1) Take any plastic bottle of desired shape. Decide the required size for your flower vase and select a plastic bottle.
Painting Vase:
Now we have made a simple flower vase.
1-2) Using a white acrylic spray paint paint the flower vase. Apply a second coat a few minutes after the first coat.
Add Plants or Flowers:
Finally, we need to place plants or flowers inside the flower vase. We can keep both artificial and natural plants and flowers in this flower vase.
1-6) For an artificial plant or flower use pebbles or sand in order to fill the vase. I have placed to artificial plants in the black and white flower vases.
Flower Vase:
So we have finished the Flower Vase. It’s a cheap flower vase as it’s a recycled plastic bottle craft. Hope you all enjoyed this tutorial.