Recycled Soda Bottle Heart Shaped Keeper

Gift with heart pet bottle wreaths to delight your gift. This piece can have the details you want and the colors you want.

To make this craft you will need:

  • 3-liter pet bottle or smaller pet bottle, if you want a smaller carrier;
  • Scotch tape;
  • Spatula;
  • Common scissors;
  • Common white glue;
  • Glue all or hot glue gun;
  • Micro-corrugated paper with the color of your choice;
  • Flower or ornament of your choice to decorate your piece (optional);
  • Structured paper of your choice with the color or stamp also of your preference.

Step by Step Heart Pet Bottle Trek

Start by separating all the materials that you will use in your crafts. Then cut the bottom and top of the chosen pet bottle. Use an adhesive tape to make it easier to cut the bottle straight.

Then wring a piece of the pet bottle. Use a spatula, if you want, to make the job easier. Soon after, fold in the curved part, making a second crease. Now, release the bottle so that it opens naturally and is in the correct position. Then, take the heart made of pet bottle and scratch in the chosen paper. Cut two hearts, to make it firmer, but leave a small leftover around the whole heart, so that the piece made with the pet bottle fits inside the heart at the end. Soon after, stick one paper heart to the other. Now, cut a strip as wide as you like on the chosen micro-corrugated paper and place it around the paper hearts. Then apply all glue or hot glue to the heart splicing. Let it dry. Stick the heart made of pet bottle. Let it dry. Then, to finish your piece, make another piece of paper, to be the cover of your carrier. If you like, stick a flower or other ornament on the lid. And it’s ready! (images by plumperfectandme)

How to make a dream catcher

Valentine’s Day gift 1

There are those who don’t like surprises, but Valentine’s day decor must be romantic, so I want to show how you can surprise your loved one on Valentine’s day, although that surprise you can do in every other day, for example, on the anniversary of dating or wedding.

We will need:

  • Metal hanger
  • Pliers
  • Embroidery hoop (or plain circle cut from durable cardboard)
  • Red or pink thick yarn, yarn
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • A Variety Of buttons, beads, seed beads
  • Pieces of fabric or felt

How to do:

First, we’ll make a heart from a piece of hangers:

The Wind the thread (so as not to slide the next layer): Then connect the tambours and our heart as follows: You can decorate the middle of beads, beading. Tail section can be made of any materials at hand, but don’t forget about hearts To make a heart from the rope, take the mold, wrap it with a rope and fill with adhesive. When the glue dries, the heart becomes hard. That’s such a beauty you can hang a chandelier, and a romantic mood will be provided.

How to Make a Tissue Paper Heart

heart of the napkins with their hands 1

Hearts pendants of napkins will make a romantic touch to the atmosphere of your apartment. Hearts may be a different color and any size. Suspension of napkins can be decorated with any door, hang at the head of the bed or simply on the wall, finding the right place. Homemade will be a great addition to your interior and bring a lot of enthusiasm and excitement around. How to make this creature with his own hands, you will learn from this master class.

For the suspension of napkins Materials needed:

– Paper napkins two- or three-layer
– glue stick
– Cardboard
– A pair of scissors
– Simple pencil
– Stapler
– colored ribbons

Completing of the work:

Step 1. We select the size and color of our bases for the heart. For this, we need cardboard and scissors. Drawing on cardboard image size required us to the heart.

Cut it to the intended line. Step 2. Making flowers from napkins. Take a paper towel and fold it four times to get one box. In this box draw a circle, a circle can be described any suitable size. Staples for fastening the middle, napkin, and then cut along the contour of the circle. Such preforms flowers can be done by 10 – 20 units, in accordance with the size of the heart base. Step 3: For the manufacture of the flower, it is necessary to take a ready-made circle of bonded wipes and gently remove each layer of tissue in the center. The more layers of cloth have, the more luxuriant will flower. Step 4. The next step is to mount the paper on the basis of color. It is necessary to take a glue stick and spend some time on the back of the flower and glue it to the heart. For a better and rational distribution based on space, fill in the first edge of the heart, and then the very middle. Step 5. Once all the flowers pasted on the base of the heart attach stapler ribbon for hanging on the highest part of the back of the heart. After that, cut the ribbon and tie in the middle of a beautiful bow.
The suspension is ready! The suspension can not only hang in his apartment but also give a loved one. This decoration will always be a symbol of your love and care. This decor will not require large financial costs and can be done in several different ways for any holiday.

The original curtains on the door knit “Orange Heart”

Paper Embroidery 1


Need for knitting:

– Yarn Pekhorka “Successful”, 100% mercerized cotton, 220m / 50g, orange – 3 pieces;

– Acrylic beads in the shape of hearts, “Crystal game” art.CRP061, orange – 8 packages;

– Glass beads 9-11 mm;

– Hook number 1.25.






ce – air loop;

st b / n – column without nakida;

v s / n – bar with nakida.

So, we begin:

Knitting curtains can be divided into 2 stages: Knitting and Knitting yarns top.

I prefer to knit the upper hand in the width of doors, ie from one casing to another – it’s easier not to miss the desired width curtains. Very well suited for this Bruges braid.

Top curtains knit in 2 threads.

For knitting lace Enter 7 CP – The base tape – we assume that this is the first row.

2 row: knit 6 CP – “Ears”, for which we tie the thread – and v s / n in the 7th ce Thence and 5 v s / n. 3 series of 12 ce ( “ear” for which the curtain will be hung on the door), turn over knitting, Article 5 s / n, CP, arts / n.

If you already have a crossbar, which will be hung curtains, you should not knit 12 cm, and so to be able to thread the bar into the “ear”.

Row 4: knit as the second.

Row 5: knit, as the third.

We continue to knit braid, alternating between the second and third rows of curtains to the desired width. Cut the strings, tails hide.

According to the “lugs” consider how to associate the threads and how much beads and glass beads.Glass beads are tied and hung on the ends of the threads – so the thread is better to hang and less confused. And in order to determine how much you need Beads – knit pattern. I was knitting yarn with different amounts of CE between the beads and different lengths and is applied to the door. As a result, I decided that between the beads is 40 ce and beads on each strand is 7 pcs.

curtains yarns knit in a single thread.

Before you start knitting each thread stringing beads – 7 pieces.

Move aside the beads away, so they do not interfere with undergirding the ball and start to trim. We type 2 CE and the second loop on the hook  6 item b / n – 1 number. 2 number: 2 item b / n in each column – get 12 st b / n. 3rd row: Art w / o, 2 tbsp w / n in a column – so continue until the end of the series and get a 18 st b / n. It’s time to try on the ball 🙂

Just right 🙂

4 and 5 rows knit without changes – to 18 st b / n in each.

Fields are beginning to turn up and get “cap”.

Number 6: Article w / n, item b / n in column 2 of the previous series (Ibaka) – knit to end of a row and get the 12 st b / n.

We put into our “cap” the tail that sticks out from the beginning of knitting and the ball – he enters with difficulty, but still gives in, but will not fall out when knitting the next row. 7 number: Article w / n in every two columns (Ibaka) – continue until the end of the series and get 6 tablespoons w / n. At this point, I usually end up tying the ball. Through Art w / I pull for eyelet – turns 3 loops on the hook – and  them together, thereby connecting the edges. Now the thread itself. Try knitting ce tightly and uniformly to the thread of the same length were obtained. Provyazyvaem 40 CE Provyazyvaem another 2 CP and item b / n the 2nd ce off the hook – get neat “knot”, which will hold the bead. The height of the beads is equal to 5 V. – Provyazyvaem 5 CP Slightly pull the loop and with the help of the hook through the hole stretch her beads. From beads sticking only half ce Waist loop to normal size, and continue knitting. Again 40 ce, 2 ce with Article w / n, 5 CP, and bead.

So keep knitting until the end strung beads, and after the last bead  40 ce, cut the thread and leave the tip length of 6-8 cm, which would be possible to tie a thread to the “eyelet” tape.

All yarn knit similarly. To edge is slightly wavy and more interesting, each second thread after the last I do not provyazyvala beads 40 CP and 20 CP As a result, half of yarn turned out a little shorter.

Tie the thread to the band tails and hide.

Shutters are ready.

DIY: Beautiful (Night Lamp) Heart ball of thread

Lamp night lamp Heart ball of thread 1

Lamp-night lamp “Loving Heart” (published in w. Master (Belarus))

In anticipation of the holidays, we overcome suffering – “What to give to your loved ones?” I want something unusual, surprising, no matter what do not like. I would like to express our overwhelming feelings, and the words hard to find? Let’s give your favorite marvelous light “Heart”. With this gift, you will be able to say everything without words.

The night can give mothers on Women’s Day, girlfriend or daughter for a birthday, a favorite on Valentine’s Day heart “beats” from the senses and that’s it. Light a lamp in a romantic evening only strengthen your feelings.

And you can just for yourself, your favorite, to create a miracle. The interior of the bedroom, it certainly attracted attention.

everything you need to prepare in advance.

  • 1 -2 thread spool (pink or other colors), the color of a lamp depends on your decision.
  • 2 PVA glue, not less than 100 ml (not the building!) Adhesive point or hot glue (glue gun)
  • 3 thick needle, long
  • 4 ball in the shape of a heart (you can make a light and around for yourself). For the master class, we took a round ball.
  • 5 square-shaped plate (20 ’20) of a thickness not less than 1.5 cm. You can replace the wooden photo frame with wide planks or solid cardboard box.
  • 6 napkin color (can be replaced with cloth or acrylic paint). The stand can be issued and in its sole discretion)
  • 7 -tailender a roll of toilet paper.
  • 8 dried plants and artificial flowers, beads, feathers, in short, something for decorating our hearts.
  • 9 drill
  • 10 blinking Christmas tree garland.
  • 11 scissors

Getting to the manufacture of

1 First, make shade for our lamp. Inflate balloon heart to medium size. The size of the inflated balloon and will be the size of our lampshade.

2 bottles of glue PVA bottom pierced with a needle with two vdet in her thread.

Figure 1) extends a needle through the bank, took out the other side, take out the needle thread. Pierce the bottom necessarily banks unnecessarily. the thread must always be wetted with glue, and the amount of adhesive in the work decreases. For the convenience of working with a thread spool, and a jar of glue put in jars.

3 end of the thread tying the tail of the ball and start winding a ball
Fig. 2). The thread must always be wetted with adhesive. Initially, it will be inconvenient and thread all the time to slip the ball, but we’re stubborn, hard-working, we will succeed!(Figure 3) tauten thread diagonally lengthwise, crosswise. After 10 min, the winding becomes easier. (Fig. 4)

First, we get the hand and understand the principle, secondly, the thread stops the slide, unnecessarily. It will cling to the wound.

Roundball winding easier than the “heart”. The “heart” do not forget to wrap the “ears”. Look where we are sending to the emptiness and thread. Drum thread pool is not empty. If the glue is ended earlier thread, just  it from other banks. That wound ball (Fig. 5) Leave it to dry. When the thread is almost dry, punctures the ball. Threads will be tough and will keep the shape.

4 Getting manufacturing base. I took a stand for the tablet. Drill a hole in it (you can help one of the men, but not one for which it will be a surprise. Although …. Maybe he was. He did not even guess what it is and why.) The hole should be of a diameter that through it might get through Christmas tree garland. Instead, you can use a thick plank picture frame, replacing the glass with a thick cardboard. Or, in extreme cases, try the box with a thick, dense cardboard, not too thin. (Figure 6)

5 over the aperture ring of glue cardboard, cut from of roll of toilet paper. We attach it with glue well bay. Outside strengthen a strip of paper, grabbing one corner of the ring, the other coming on board. The board. I pasted cloth (PVA) and a bit overshadowed gold acrylic paint. (Figure 7 and Fig. 8 and Fig. 9). On the reverse side, plates make a groove for the wiring from a garland (Fig. 10) 6 Threads almost dried up? Punctures the ball. The ball should unstick itself from the thread. Therefore, it is not necessary to wait until dry. If the ball has dried thoroughly and piercing not unstuck from the thread, will come to his aid. Through the thread is passed a pencil or any wand inside her trying to unstick the ball. If the thread balloon wrinkled, pressed, then we, the same wand inside his straightened, but still try to do everything patiently and carefully. The ball was torn inside the thread. (Fig. 11)

We’ll get it through the skin. It is more convenient to do it with tweezers.

7 At the bottom of the ball (where was the tail), cut out a hole in the form of a lotus. (Fig. 12).

The hole diameter should be with our ring. And it sits on must be tight. (Figure 13). Dress up the ball on the ring, pouring glue. The petals are glued to the outside of the ring. Then you will feel that the ball as if he falls, and “asks” on the stand. Just press it and the place where he sat down on the stand we coat with glue. Just make sure that the lamp was flat, not tilted. (Fig. 14) 8 Zadekoriruem our “Heart” (in our version, to explain the ball.) I used dried flowers. But you can come up with something of their own. Stick to your decor thread, make “heart” of the most beautiful and loving. (Fig. 15) 9 Bottom stand pokes through a hole in the “heart” of Christmas garland. Outside the reserve wire that embarks on the groove and attaches it with glue or adhesive tape.Enjoy your evening

How to make casket in a heart shape


Belt width 5,8sm, 40cm length, twisted on needle 1,5. tube paint for the eggs. Two coats of an acrylic clear coat. At the bottom of decoupage and varnish. Dimensions: 30 * 22 * 10.Businy wood. However, everything in order.

Well, something to help beginners. It said loudly, that it will be a master class. I share what I can. Photographer I useless. Well, what happened, what happened. So … cut to form two cartons

Measured basis, divide the desired distance between the stanchions. If you can not without a trace, corrects the distance. I got 1,8sm. Normally, less is better. Postpones 1.8, starting from the center of the “heart” It turned out this way … I prepare the paper and more … The paper pasted on cardboard with white glue and left to dry. A bit dry and put under load, so as not curled hours on 12. The process of bonding is not removed, fascinated.
While the bottom of a dry, paint tubes. Expanding to dry and leave everything until the morning. And in the morning for a surprise. That such a result is obtained. Apparently, the tubes were caught from different parties. I hope that will be enough of a color. Clay “Titan” pasting tube Top pasting the front of the bottoms. The process of gluing napkins too missed. Well, not all at once. Decoupage do with the file. I put the napkin “face” down at the file, pour some water into the center of a little and start to lift the edges to Vodicka gradually distributed on a napkin and no wrinkles. I add a little brush continue to keep raise for all parties. Try to keep the water before the time has not got to the edge (tear). When there is only the edge unglued, helping brush. When the napkin is flat, without wrinkles on the file, carefully poured the water and turn on the bedplate, smoothes. I remove the file from top to drip screed and PVA brush. Land. Yes! Two hearts are glued together, too, putting under pressure until it sets. It is better to wait a little longer. Clay grabbed. I begin to braid rope bottom of a single row. I lift the rack and begin to weave a rope in the two tubes. Get out of shape, that’s what happened. The result is not pleased with what’s nose turned out. It was necessary to equate the braid after varnishing. close: in front of the two, in the third It remains the last three tubes. The first of them is bent before the two and slips under the first rack start crisscrossing. Second-on rising: before the third and the inside of the first braided basket for the second braided out by drawing Fotik agreed to work only to that frame. I had to finish without him. And it is you! This beauty blossomed in my yard, and I am very pleased.

How to make beautiful heart shaped basket

heart shaped basket 1

We begin preparing gifts for. I do this a bowl-candy for the sample. I will describe the process of making mistakes that I made to you, if you want to do, they are not repeated. To the bottom it is necessary to take a thick cardboard, cut two identical blanks, I have a heart and glue them together. Then I immediately began to stick a toothpick, this is the first mistake that had to correct later. When glued workpiece 2 further need to paste over the bottom of the colored paper or make a decoupage napkin generally elevate the bottom of the ONCE, until a toothpick stick!
Tip: To toothpicks stuck easy holes made with a needle, then dropped PVA glue and then screw-like toothpicks. The distance between them is 1 cm. Another mistake, it is clearly visible on the photo to retreat from the edge of depth is not necessary because I did this once had to cut cardboard, and it is not just because of it into 2 layers. Winding yarn Well, that’s got to the middle! Then I strung beads and braid further continued. When to the top, then on each toothpick glued beads. Ennoble the bottom and top. The result is pleasant to me, do not you? We had to split hairs with the inside of a vase-taped pink paper and pigtail yarn hid an ugly seam. Here the colors are in fact-vase was very gentle. He made one more round shape – bottom. Mistakes are the same – DO NOT!
Stages of work:
1. 2 blanks of cardboard glued together.
2. bottom paper with the hem to the wrong side.
3. needle punctures through 1 cm.
4. In punctures – a drop of glue and put a toothpick, let dry.
5. yarn, decorate to your liking. Result. Bottom corrected! That turned a set!Thank you to everyone who looks at the light! Be creative, self-confident and people!

How to make heart shape box

Heart 1

With this heart, I was going to participate in the competition “generous heart”. It so happened that I had done and pictures of the process on the last day of work for the competition. It – heart box-box, which can be stored for very different small things. And here’s a surprise! This tiny origami hearts. And these little notes with very necessary, Required Materials:
1. Ready-made heart shaped box.
2. Corrugated.
3.Craft paper for sketches (80 g and 200 g).
4. Sacking.
5. Jute twine.
6. PVA glue.
7. White inkpad.
8. Punchers embossed “Buttons” with a diameter of 13 mm and 25 mm.
9. Scissors.

I was like this snow-white heart box. It is a small box of a set of 3 boxes, dolls of cardboard beer. It is a very long time waiting in the wings. I still could not figure out how and why to issue it. And then an art project, a competition, and the idea has earned! I start with a surprise. I wanted to make little origami hearts of kraft paper for sketches (80 g). Folding.Here is the . I square 5×5 cm. Ready hearts tinted white ink pad. I really like these hearts! We with my students often do them. The heart has a pocket where you can put a note, souvenir or sweetness. However, I was the slightly pasted hearts front flap to the inner corner to the pocket has become more formalized. And the side corners folded differently. In the original MK proposed bend them back, and I replaced these folds with a “recessed inward” and too little glue. It prints on the same kraft paper, which makes up the hearts, the most important words. Cut the sheet into rectangles 5h3,5 cm so that each piece was one word. Twist rectangle tubes, the ends of the smoked white pad and put on a note in every heart. On the front side of each heart pasted a piece of burlap 2×2 cm. Because of kraft paper for sketches weight of 200 g cut down the little buttons using a hole punch embossed “Buttons” with a diameter of 13 mm. Glue them to the stiffness of 3 pieces pile and also smoked. He slipped into the holes thin jute twine … … And bandaged hearts. That’s how it looks from the other side. Ready hearts. I estimate the cover design of heart boxes. From the sheet of packaging, cardboard cut out the heart, circling the box cover. I smoked white pad. I have no retail box (large) corrugated board and more shallow. This sheet was embedded in some packages, I do not remember from under that. To sustain style folded another heart origami from the same paper (9×9 cm square). Also, I smoked. Attach a piece of burlap 4×4 cm. Has made  a button with a diameter of 2.5 cm (glued together 5 pieces) smoked. He slipped into the holes buttons thick jute twine and tied a bow. I tried “wrap” the heart of twine (slipped the ends of pieces of string under a layer of cardboard). Liked. I decided to add three small buttons, as heart-surprises. They must first “sew” crosswise thin twine, glue the ends on the wrong side buttons. The end cap pasted strip of corrugated cardboard, ink pad walked on slices. Samu box also plastered strip  and tied with string. Now you’re done! Heart box is empty. And then, finally, Surprise hearts take their place! Boll is not filled to the top, so you can add to it more and more hearts!

Holiday generous heart is almost over, and I’m just showing my work. But to love and to express their feelings do not just a holiday! The heart is never too much! And words, the main, it is necessary, too many do not happen in this moment!

Love and giving the most important words to those who are dear to you every day!

Jewelry Box in Heart shape (Reels of Adhesive Tape)

Casket in a heart 1

For this we need:

– 2 reels of wide tape,
– The size of a sheet of chipboard 30h30sm. and 2 mm thick. (You can of beer cardboard and other.)
– Glue (I Moment Crystal)
– Design paper (or cloth) for finishing the outer and inner surface of the box,
– Tape for attaching the cover,
– A twisted cord, flowers, cutting out chipboard, for decoration.

Let’s get started.
Take a ruler and strictly at right angles to outline the cutting line on the reels. This is important for a smooth connection 2-parts of our boxes.

After the cut, the two spools, accurately straighten each one hand. To halves of the heart were symmetric, we put detail on each other and correct. Now glue the seams. If the heart has turned out not quite symmetrical, you can drag it or rubber thread (photo 7), to give the desired shape, sprinkle with water and leave for several hours to dry.
Meanwhile, prepare the bottom of the box and the lid.
Take a sheet of chipboard and draw out our hearts on the outside. Then, retreating 2-3 mm., Outline the contour of another (the red line in the image 7). Should get 2 loops (as in the photo 8). Will be cut by the outer contour. Such details do 2 pcs. (for the bottom and lid).
To casket lid was fixed and not shifted, do one more detail, but in a smaller size. Those. perimeter wall boxes on the inside, draw a parallel circuit of 2-3 mm. less (green line on the photo 7) and cut by the inner loop. Paste paper design (or a tight-fitting cloth) all the details. Glue the bottom and proceed to the assembly of the cover. To make it look neat, cut out another heart made of cardboard a suitable color, that will cover all the bumps on the inside of the lid (photo 11). Make the cut at fixing and threaded them tape (for strength folded in half). The ends of the strips are glued to the underside of the board, turn it upside down and glue to the inside of the lid. Top glue third smaller part (picture 15 – the inner side of the cover, pictured 16 – external). The free ends of strips glued to the walls of the casket. The photo box 18 upside down and seen how it should look like the mount on the outside.
That’s it! Bag ready. Now we have to decorate it to your taste. I used a twisted cord, cutting out chipboard, different flowers, stamens, leaves, and. Inside the velvet pasted paper.

How to make heart of kinder – Step By Step

heart of kinder 1

Required Materials:
a) 2 of the capsule from the Kinder Surprise
b) a marker
c) cutter
g) nail file or sandpaper
d) adhesive
f) paper and decor … begin ….

Take the empty capsule from the Kinder Surprise, causes markup (in each capsule there has clearly highlighted a semicircle about its layout make …. on each side – continue to line given by the manufacturer and connect to the rear of the capsule and on the central part of the retreat 2-3 mm from this line (see. Figure 3) as docking of two halves would be better) … You can certainly do and without padding … but my experience has shown that the joint turns out better if the retreat of 2-3 mm.

Incisions are made in 3 stages:
1. draw out without pressing the cutter along the line in order to create a guide groove
2 are passed with slight pressure on the groove
3. push, Slotting

All this is done with two halves, butted, look at whether there is a gap between the two halves ….

a little on the rough sawing eroding the joints to remove gaps and preparing the edges to stick together .. rough surface sticks together better than not oshkurennaya

a little on the rough sawing eroding the joints to remove gaps and preparing the edges to stick together .. rough surface sticks together better than not oshkurennaya

glued, to dry, do tip for the future of heart:
simple paper cone displace the right size …

glue so as not turned dry them, cut off the excess from the edges is applied to the top of the heart …….
And now the most interesting …. decorations ….
here everyone can use his imagination … or do both in microns ..)))

take the finished mold “Fimo-bears”, and the mass of plaster for modeling … put in a lot of mold, presses over the entire surface …

here is a bear should turn …

blinded, to dry …

colorable acrylic paint ….

here is a bear in the form of a painted …)))

Capsules Wallpapers crumpled paper, using PVA glue

plastered dry them completely …

after drying, can be a bit, that was not a catch and joints …

cone paste bright fleece …

cut off the excess … cone ready

the upper part of the heart on a stick glue, to make it easier was it to paint …
sponge or foam brush Apply 1 coat of acrylic paint …

after drying we put color ….

align the color, make a smooth transition …

lepim small hearts of gypsum mass …

after drying glue together the halves of all …

something like this …

at the junction of textures sticking lace

sticking artificial rose petals

sticking 3 strings of beads … for the future …

bear in the center …