How to make mill of twine and coffee beans

Mill of twine and coffee beans 1

This mill – is not just a luxury souvenir and gift, but also a great mascot for the home and family. The paper used burlap, symbolizing wealth, as well as a horseshoe brings happiness into the house. And among the Slavic peoples of the mill gave special properties. About this there are various legends and fairy tales.
For work, we need to:
– round box or jar, for example, a box from under the children’s — tea
– bagging
– thin rope – split
– glue
– skewers and picks
– curable clay or polymer clay
– paint, preferably acrylic
– coffee beans
How to make:
1. Take a jar, and daubed it with glue to paste over tightly with string. You can do this with a glue gun.
and gift, but also a great mascot for the home and family. The paper used burlap, symbolizing wealth, as well as a horseshoe brings happiness into the house. And among the Slavic peoples of the mill gave special properties. About this there are various legends and fairy tales.


2. Make the roof of the mill: cut out the circle, make a slit and turn its cone. Are painted with acrylic paint in brown color. Glue the roof to the bank. 3. papered roof of the coffee beans, leaving a small sector is not sealed. 4. Making the blades: Cut the propeller of cardboard, glue on the sides of the wooden skewers for barbecue. Wrapped with twine blade until it closes cardboard. 5. In the center – a flower made from coffee beans 6. Glue the blades to our mill. 7.  remaining bare place grains. 8. Making a horseshoe: Polymer clay or plasticine sculpt curable horseshoe. Make her toothpick patterns. 9. Make a door cut off at the tip of toothpicks and glue them to one another (you can glue them on paper and cut out). 10. Glue the door to the mill and decorate with twine. Over the door shoe glue. 11. As of toothpicks do windows. 12. Make a whisk. 13. Make the base: from a cardboard cut out a circle, pasted his sacking by bending the edges down to 1cm.
14. The edges of the base plastered with several rows of coffee beans. You can simulate masonry fence. 15. Put the bags near the mill for naturalness. And what is to fill the bags you can see HERE , where to tell what filled bags for homewards.16. Put this miracle mill to prominence. Let her grind all our troubles and  name let us all good health and happiness !!!

DIY Coffee bean clock

coffee bean clock 1

How to make coffee bean clock

hours, was born from a great love for coffee and chocolate 🙂
Thus, the coffee and the sweet tooth will need:

– Preparation hours under a coffee cup. My size is about 17 * 22 cm;

– Napkin in a coffee theme + brown or maroon monochrome napkin;

– Clockwork;

– Acrylic primer, varnish, paint brushes;

– Acrylic paint: white, brown;

– paper towels;

– polymer clay;

– Potal and glue Potali;

– satin ribbon;

– coffee beans;

– Melt;

– PVA glue;

– Foil.

I inspect the workpiece, looking for defects and fillings eliminate them. After drying the skin. On my billet was more master ordered 3 small holes on nizu- for greater beauty, decor

Then, in the course is the ground, I put or render it with a sponge. The soil dries very quickly, and check if everything is dry, skin in 20-30 minutes. The next step – applying acrylic paint with a sponge or sponge evenly in 1 or 2 layers with drying. The paint I take in DIY stores: waterborne acrylic for interior use. 0.8-1.0 kg buckets on long enough. On my watch, two coats of acrylic paint well dried and now akruratno, without fanaticism hides. We need a perfectly flat, smooth monotonous white surface. The skin initially the average grain size in the end, a smaller, more gentle I picked up a napkin here: solid coffee with a small inscription. My billet quarter cloth covers not fully, the handle on the big cup, I rep later.
I’ve found method allows to stick a napkin neatly, without folds or tears. The top layer of paint wipes placed face down on the file and poured a puddle of water. While the water is distributed on a napkin, dabbing her napkin neatly straighten slightly stretched it sideways. The fingertips are helping to do this quickly, but carefully.