Beautiful Elegant beaded pin bracelets

Elegant beaded pin bracelets featured

Jewelry has attracted women of all ages since the ancient times. Few girls in the world can pass by a jewelry store without looking at the sparkling showcase of bracelets, pendants, or earrings. And even if they can’t afford anything, they at least want to try on one of those beautiful things. However, if you use a little effort and patience, you’ll be able to create a worthy alternative to store-bought jewelry.

Required material for Beaded pin bracelets:

  • safety pins
  • beads with a large hole
  • hat elastic

Take a look, what beauty is derived from such a simple material.

Beautiful DIY Flowers in the ganutell

Flowers in the ganutell Featured

Ganutell – this thread twisted with thin wire, twisted into one – a working thread, flexible, obedient, magic) correctly twisted thread – the basis of a beautiful work, which is nice to look at and to hold it in your hands

To work, we need quite a bit of material and a lot of patience, because occupation, though interesting, but very monotonous and monotonous) proper materials in the photo below – metallized thread floss, copper wire, beads for seredinok petals. You can use any beads, beads rovnenkie main pick to be beautiful in the finished flower. From tools – scissors, thicker wire for the base of the petals and small pliers or Pliers, wire cutters.

For more aesthetics I take Fancy yarn, they have a characteristic luster, making the wire less noticeable, but in this case, the same color of thread work)